Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Holly enters the blogging world

Well it finally happened. I started a blog. In last November. But I didn't like the title, and still am not entirely happy with it, but it's the best I can do. I spent four hours on Friday night trying to come up with a new blog name. Four hours! Blog names are so difficult!! I tried various anagram generating tools, random assemblages of my name and other words...nothing! So, I am stuck dabbling winsomely. Which isn't so bad, I suppose. I dabble in things. In a lighthearted cheerful sort of way. Hopefully less of the "childlike or naive way," as the dictionary defines it. I prefer the thesaurus for defining words. More options.

I have lots of previously finished knitted objects that I should post pictures of. And the occasional random rant here and there. My goal is to post once a week. Of course, I also made a goal for myself today to ride my bike from home all the way to lab by next week. I've never done that before, mostly because it's a good 5 mile ride. But the time has come for me to get in shape. Death March 2006 (aka the lab showshoeing trip) is coming up, as is my friend's wedding. Here goes nothin'.